Tunisian crochet stitches

Full guide with the list of tunisian crocheting symbols used in USA.

tunisian crochet stitches


Do you know what Tunisian crochet is? It’s a completely new, unique technique that has elements of both crocheting and knitting. Tunisian or Afghan stitch crochet enables crocheters to create dense elastic work with amazing pattern using a Tunisian elongated hook.

Tunisian hook (also a cro hook or afghan hook) is longer and usually has a stopper at the end. The stopper is holding all loops on a hook similar to a knitting needle. Surely, this gives you an idea of the key distinction between Tunisian and traditional crochet: Tunisian crochet enables a crocheter to work with many loops on cro hook at the same time.

Tunisian crochet is a fantastic niche of craft, which allows crochet enthusiasts to work in a bit unusual way to make garments that have a “knit-like” look rather than the well-known design of crochet. A distinguishing feature of Tunisian crochet is that it produces a much thicker and denser fabric, which makes it ideal for fall and winter garments and afghans. It’s slightly less elastic in comparison with typical crochet fabric and doesn’t stretch in the wash. That’s why many designers are using this amazing approach to create sweaters, blankets and even accessories.

On the Internet you may encounter crochet enthusiasts who use other terms to refer to Tunisian crochet, such as: Shepherd’s knitting, Tricot crochet, Railroad knitting, Cro-hooking, and the most popular one – Afghan stitch crochet. Whatever term you prefer to use, if you’ve been considering this craft, you’ve come to the right place. Our lessons will not only instruct you how to work on the simplest stitches, but also help you master the Tunisian modified simple stitch, purl stitch, bar stitch, reverse stitch, and all possible patterns.


Infographic of Tunisian crochet stitches

Today I want to introduce more that 100 of tunisian crochet stitches. If you’re a visual learner, then the infographics will be useful to master the most popular stitches. Usually it helps to watch someone going through the entire process, which is why soon you’ll find lots of video lessons to help you learn all stitches depicted in the infographics. If for one reason or another you don’t find the required stitch, please, leave a comment. Together we will figure out how to crochet it.

tunisian crochet stitches

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Learn How to Read Diagrams

There’s no secret to reading charts! While working on Cro-hooking you can use very convenient chart with pictograms. Start at the bottom and work to the top. Usually you’ll find little arrows pointing in the right direction. Yet, in case there’re no arrows you have to bear in mind that every row is a 2-step process – you work from right to left and then vice versa.

So, the Cro-hooking is based upon two simple steps:

  • The first step is also known as forward pass. It is always crocheted from right to left. Pick up the stitches onto the cro hook using the loops from chain stitches or from the prior row. They are all held on your long Tunisian hook until you are done crocheting the second part.
  • The second step – consolidation of loops – is usually recognized as return pass. Work from left to right – in the opposite direction. Thus, you close all loops until only 1 loop remains on your hook.

Finally you get solid Tunisian fabric with a beautiful texture and pattern. It’s very simple to learn and very satisfying to hook up!

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