How to do a 1-over-1 half double crochet cross

Learn how to crochet a 1-over-1 half double crochet cross with these helpful instructions.

1-over-1 hdc cross - preview

At all crochet schemes 1-over-1 half double crochet cross symbol would appear as:

1-over-1 hdc cross - symbol

At the scheme below you can see a stitches of 1-over-1 half double crochet cross.

1-over-1 hdc cross - stitches scheme

1-over-1 half double crochet cross instructions

Make a chain of the preferred length. Skip the first six chains from the hook.

1-over-1 hdc cross - step 1

Insert your hook in the seventh chain and work half double crochet.

1-over-1 hdc cross - step 2

Yarn over.

1-over-1 hdc cross - step 3

Work half double crochet in front of the first half double crochet stitch.

1-over-1 hdc cross - step 4

The second half double crochet stitch appears above the first half double crochet.

1-over-1 hdc cross - step 5

Chain one stitch and repeat the preceding steps creating the next 1-over-1 half double crochet cross.

1-over-1 hdc cross - step 6

Repeat the process skipping one chain of the previous row. Chain one stitch among the groups of 1-over-1 half double crochet cross stitches.

1-over-1 hdc cross - step 7

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how to do a 1-over-1 hdc cross - infographic

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