Solomon’s knot stitch (lover’s knot, love knot, hail stone, salomon) is a one of the basic crochet stitches.
At all crochet schemes solomon’s knot stitch symbol would appear as:
At the scheme below you can see a stitches of solomon’s knot stitch.
Solomon’s knot stitch instructions
Work one single crochet into the last chain of the previous row. Create a loop. Use your crochet hook to draw the loop up to a taller height.
Yarn over and draw through the loop on the hook. Insert your hook underneath strand in the back of the work.
Yarn over and draw through the first loop on your hook. There will be two loops on the hook. Yarn over and pull through both of these remaining loops.
Create another long loop.
Work single crochet inserting your hook in the sixth chain of the previous row.
Try to perfectly match the Solomon’s knots for a consistent look.
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